PUBLICATIONS Margetson, E. (2024) Contemplations. CD and digital album publication released by Empreintes Digitales. CD-R: LINK TO PURCHASE Bandcamp: LINK TO PURCHASE Margetson, E and McArthur, A. (2024) Sound, space and the IKO loudspeaker – the apparent paradox of diversity with unity in The Routledge Companion to the Sound of Space. London: Routledge. Knight-Hill, A and Margetson, E. (2023) Art of Sound: Creativity in Film Sound and Electroacoustic Music. London: Routledge. Margetson, E. (2022). Sonic Immersion: Reaching New Audiences through Sound. (PhD thesis) University of Birmingham. Margetson, E.M., (2021) Abstracted Objects in Métamorphoses 2020 [CD], INFLUX. Vasilakos, K., Wilson, S., McCauley, T., Khosravi Mardakheh, M., Margetson, E. and Winston Yeung, T. (2020) Sonification of High Energy Physics Data Using Live Coding and Web Based Interfaces. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Birmingham City University, pp. 388–393. Margetson, E.M., (2018) Distorted Illusions in Awakenings [CD], OBS 068. Margetson, E.M., (2018)Water Waves and Dreaming Waves in Loudspeaker Music for Headphones, Volume 1 [ONLINE], SONOS LOCALIA SLD 001 / 2018. Margetson, E.M., (2018)Water Waves in Experimental Sound Art [CD], URBAN ARTS BERLIN.